We are Methodists
What Methodists Believe
What Zion Methodism Believes
What Methodists Believe
- Methodists believe that God is the Creator who loves humankind and desires to be in relationship with us.
- Methodists believe that Jesus Christ, God’s son, became a man in the flesh (incarnate) and lived among us. Jesus the Christ showed us God’s character and will and love. He experienced death and resurrection making it possible for us to have divine forgiveness, salvation and eternal life bringing us back to right relationship with God.
- Methodists believe that the Holy Spirit is God’s manifestation of God self, who makes known the divine will, comforts the sorrowing, quickens humans hunger for the eternal, stimulates humans to repent and to seek forgiveness for their sins and “ bears witness with our spirits that we are the children of God.”
- Methodists believe that the Bible is the record of how God reveals God self to humans, first to the Jews through inspired holy writers and then to all people through Jesus Christ. It is the story of the outworking of the Holy Spirit to bring humans to perfection in Christ. It contains all that God requires for salvation and is an adequate guide for faith and conduct. It endures forever because it is God’s eternal Word for each succeeding generation.
- Methodists believe that humankind is made in spiritual image of God. Each person, regardless of race, class or color is sacred, possesses dignity and is equal before God. However’ God’s image in humans has been defaced by sin by all persons. But by trusting in God’s grace humans can be restored to a relationship with God, rising above sin and death
- Methodists believe that salvation from sin comes by faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. This salvation is a gift and cannot be obtained by our own efforts. Those who accept this gift will experience eternal life.
- Methodists believe that the Christian experience means that a sinner who trusts God through Christ for salvation, experiences forgiveness of sin, an assurance that he/she is a child of God, and now has a new lifestyle in Christ.
- Methodists believe that Christian perfection is a process in which the believer becomes like Christ in thought word and deed.
- Methodists believe that The Church is instituted by Jesus Christ who is its Redeemer and Lord. It is the communion and fellowship of believers of all people throughout all ages (thus it is described as Catholic).
What Zion Methodism Believes
- Zion Methodism believes in the basic tenets of Methodism.
- Zion Methodism believes in the spirit of evangelism and a heart warming experience that operates in the areas of thought, feeling and action.
- Zion Methodism believe in the practice of democracy and brother and sisterhood in all relationships.
- Zion Methodism believes that every person is a free person and should not be shackled by chains of discrimination and prejudice.
- Zion Methodism believes in every person having a full opportunity of exercising spiritual and natural gifts within the Christian fellowship.